Dear Parents,
Imagine a Hebrew school where your kids don’t want to miss a day. They come in with a smile and leave humming a new Hebrew song.
Imagine a child who feels the warmth and spirit of Judaism and then imagine the pride of this child’s parents.
Welcome to Chabad Hebrew School where the values and tradition of Judaism are vividly brought to life!
The goal of our Hebrew School is to experience and deepen Jewish knowledge which will strengthen your children’s understanding of G‑d, their identification with the Jewish people, their involvement in the synagogue, their participation in Jewish life and their determination to live as Jews.
We need your help to achieve this goal! With your interest and participation, your child will see Hebrew school as a privilege and opportunity to learn about their Jewish identity. Thank you for taking on this commitment and welcome to the team!
Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and successful New Year!
Hebrew School Director
Chani Schapiro
Drop Off/ Pick Up Long Branch Location (620 Ocean Ave. Long branch)
Sunday: 9:45-12:15pm
Drop Off/ Pick Up Fair Haven Location (770 River Rd. Fair Haven)
Tuesday: 3:45-5:15pm
Regular attendance is crucial to your child’s success in Hebrew school. There is a direct correlation between attendance and achievement, interest and attitude. Furthermore, coming late disturbs the entire class and disrupts your child’s classroom routine. Any work that is missed due to attendance has to be made up.
Adhering to the attendance policy will be greatly appreciated and will help your child get the most out of Hebrew school. Great attendance will be rewarded.
Report Cards
Report Cards are issued twice a year: December and June.
Textbooks and workbooks will be supplied by the school. Books should be treated with care and respect. There will be a charge for lost books.
Your child’s happiness is our top priority. Communication between parents and staff is very important and will make the Hebrew school experience more pleasant for your child.
If there are any issues that are bothering you concerning your child’s education, do not disregard them. Please talk to us so that we can make your child more comfortable and alleviate any distress immediately.
We will be emailing important notices and newsletters to let you know what is happening during Hebrew school. Please check your email Hebrew school notices to monitor how your child is progressing.
Behavior Management Plan
Teachers will make all classroom rules clear to students.
Teachers will give one reminder of the rule. If the behavior continues, the student will be asked to observe from the back of the classroom.
If a child continues to be disruptive, they will ask the student to leave the classroom for three minutes to collect themselves. Parents will be contacted to review the episode. If disruptive behavior continues, a conference will be set up between child, parent and the director where a behavior management contract will be drafted.
Zero Tolerance Policy: Any student involved in harmful and/or dangerous behavior to himself or others, or destruction of property, will result in immediate suspension pending a conference between the director and the parents.
All boys must bring their own kippah to wear in class. For sanitary reasons, please make sure your child has his own kippah every day. If he forgets his own kippah he will be given one.
Tzedakah (charity) is a concept which is basic to Judaism. Our school attempts to develop a commitment among our students to share with the less fortunate by donating a few pennies a day to charity. Parents are asked to provide the students with a daily coin for tzedakah.
A light snack should be given to your child to bring to Hebrew school. Water is always available for students to drink.